Studies and Surveys

What drives the real estate industry? How are energy consumption, heating costs and the efficiency of heating systems changing and what role does sustainability play in this? We regularly conduct studies and surveys on these and other topics. You will find the results and other exciting insights here.

Techem Atlas for energy, heat & water 2023

The energy supply in Germany is being placed on a completely new, future-oriented footing - for an economically strong, sustainable and secure future, which must also remain affordable for large sections of the population and industry.

How can we save energy, make it affordable and, above all, continue to make it available to everyone in our country - regardless of whether they live in an apartment building, a detached or semi-detached house, rent, own or live in an old or new building? 

Data plays a decisive role in the success of the energy and heating transition. Our Techem Atlas for Energy, Heat & Water 2023 (formerly the consumption data study) provides key insights into the development of energy consumption in private households and shows potential for avoiding greenhouse gas emissions in existing multi-family homes.

The study is based on consumption data evaluated from around 110,000 buildings with around 1.2 million apartments and describes specific steps on how to successfully decarbonize the building stock by 2045.

Core results at a glance

The Techem Atlas for Energy, Heat & Water 2023 shows that the decarbonization of the German multi-family housing stock can be achieved by 2045 with purely technical measures. Users' efforts to save energy have reached a maximum, but could only partially compensate for the rise in energy prices. Further savings can be achieved with low investment through improved and optimally operated heating systems.

90 %

of the multi-family housing stock generate
the heat for space heating
and hot water with fossil fuels

10 - 15 %

Reduction in energy consumption in the
fossil fuels through the use of low-investment
AI-based solutions such as monitoring and
optimized operational management 

20 %

average energy savings through 
consumption-based heating cost billing

90 %

of buildings are suitable for a heat 

44 %

higher emissions in billing portfolio 
than target set by CO2 levy law

Our media team

Katharina Bathe-Metzler

Head of Sustainability, Communications & Public Affairs

Mobile: +49 (0)1522 413 6702

Janina Schmidt

Head of Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 (0)174 - 7444137