Press Releases - 31.10.2023

Techem receives “berufundfamilie” certificate for the first time

  • Service provider strengthens compatibility of work, family and private life
  • Project plan defined over three years
  • Eight fields of action bundle goals and measures

Eschborn, October 31, 2023 – Techem, one of the leading service providers for smart and sustainable buildings, has held the “berufundfamilie” certificate since September 30, 2023. The energy service provider thus commits itself to a three-year project plan with concrete goals for the compatibility of work, family and private lives of its employees. Progress is to be reviewed annually in an audit.

“The compatibility of work, family and private life is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. The social dimension plays a key role in our sustainability strategy, which is why we are using the certificate and the related project plan to focus on concrete solutions that support our employees in all phases of their lives,” says Matthias Hartmann, CEO of Techem.

Image information: Techem receives the "audit berufundfamilie" certificate, thereby strengthening the compatibility of work, family, and personal life for employees (Copyright: audit 'berufundfamilie')

Techem developed the planned measures and goals in advance in a workshop together with employees from different areas, locations and hierarchy levels. These include, for example, a mentoring program for junior managers or support for employees with relatives in need of care. The goals for the next three years are anchored in the sustainability strategy and divided into eight fields of action - from working hours to services for families. Techem will report to the internal Sustainability Council three times a year in the future to monitor the progress being made. 

About “berufundfamilie”

The 'audit berufundfamilie' is a strategic management tool for the family- and life-phase-conscious orientation of the personnel policy of companies and institutions. The service provider and think tank berufundfamilie Service GmbH accompanies them in their design process and awards the certificate once a year. The audit, which has been in existence since 1998, was initiated by the non-profit Hertie Foundation.


About Techem 

Techem is a leading service provider for smart and sustainable buildings. The company's services cover energy management and resource conservation, residential health and process efficiency in real estate. Founded in 1952, the company is now active in 18 countries with around 4,300 employees and services more than 13 million homes. Techem offers efficiency improvements along the entire value chain of heat and water in real estate. As the market leader in remote radio detection of energy consumption in homes, Techem continues to drive networking and digital processes in real estate. Modern radio smoke detectors with remote inspection and services related to improving drinking water quality in properties complement the solution portfolio for the housing industry. For more information, visit


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Head of Sustainability, Communications & Public Affairs

Telefon: +49 (0) 61 96/5 22-26 77

Janina Schmidt

Head of Corporate Communications

Telefon: +49 (0)174 - 7444137