Press Releases - 18.10.2023

Turning on the heat sparingly reduces consumption: Techem study underscores the influence tenants have on saving energy

  • Final energy consumption for heat down 20 percent in 2022 compared to the previous year
  • Economical usage behavior has a major influence
  • Digital solutions enable further savings of around 15 percent

Eschborn, October 18, 2023 – The days are getting shorter, the nights cooler – the heating season is just around the corner. In view of global climate issues and rising costs, it is more important than ever to heat efficiently and economically. A look at the last heating season shows how big the leverage really is for each individual: final energy consumption was 20 percent lower in 2022 than in the previous year. This is the conclusion of this year’s consumption study by Techem, a leading service provider for smart and sustainable buildings. The much warmer weather played a key role here, influencing costs by around 12 percent, and consumer behavior and system efficiency, which accounted for a share of around 8 percent.

Image information: The new Techem consumption data study shows how much influence user behavior has on one's own energy consumption. (Copyright:  Techem / Lindthaler)

“Rising energy prices in the last heating season have brought the importance of energy efficiency in buildings to the fore. The figures for 2022 show how strongly our behavior can influence energy consumption in the process. Even small measures, such as turning down the heating at night and when we are away or keeping room doors consistently closed in the winter, can make a big difference. Even one degree less also saves an average of 6 percent energy without having to accept any loss of comfort,” says Matthias Hartmann, CEO of Techem. “It is all the more important that we maintain this frugal behavior even when energy prices fall again – not only to continue to protect our wallets, but also to reduce the burden on the environment. We can also leverage further savings potential by using digital solutions in buildings,” adds Dr. Arne Kähler, Head of the Techem Research Institute on Sustainability (TRIOS).

Digital solutions not only require low investment, they often involve either no or only minimal structural intervention. For example, digital heating monitoring can use artificial intelligence to identify comprehensive optimization potential for improved heating system settings. In fact, figures from Techem show that solutions such as the Digital Boiler Room can reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions by an average of around 15 percent as a result of the improved operational management that this offers. However, even though digital operational management helps save energy, a significant share still remains in the hands of consumers.


About Techem 

Techem is a leading service provider for smart and sustainable buildings. The company's services cover energy management and resource conservation, residential health and process efficiency in real estate. Founded in 1952, the company is now active in 18 countries with around 4,300 employees and services more than 13 million homes. Techem offers efficiency improvements along the entire value chain of heat and water in real estate. As the market leader in remote radio detection of energy consumption in homes, Techem continues to drive networking and digital processes in real estate. Modern radio smoke detectors with remote inspection and services related to improving drinking water quality in properties complement the solution portfolio for the housing industry. For more information, visit


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