Press Releases - 14.08.2024

Improving healthy living: Reducing the risk of legionella with smart solutions

  • 28% of private landlords still unclear about the exact regulation of the legionella testing obligation 
  • Digital service allows you to determine the inspection obligation directly online in three simple steps
  • Legionella testing ensures drinking water quality and preserves the value of properties

Eschborn, August 13, 2024:  Summertime is travel time. While many tenants are currently enjoying their vacation, the apartments at home are empty and the water pipes are not running. An ideal breeding ground for legionella. To prevent this, the German Drinking Water Ordinance stipulates that a legionella test must be carried out regularly under certain conditions. The majority of landlords (58%) are aware of this obligation and already carry out drinking water tests. This is shown by a recent survey of private landlords conducted by the energy service provider Techem.

A quarter (25%) of respondents were not aware of the obligation at all. 17% of respondents stated that they were aware of the obligation to test for legionella, but did not carry out drinking water tests. The reasons for this are varied: 28% are unclear about the exact regulations, 27% do not perform a drinking water test as their tenants have not yet requested proof of a legionella test and another 23% see other bodies, such as municipal waterworks, as responsible for ensuring safe drinking water.

Image information: According to the Federal Environment Agency, Legionella are bacteria that occur naturally in fresh water and can multiply in hot water pipes. In small quantities, they are harmless to humans, but at higher concentrations they can cause the respiratory disease legionellosis, which can lead to fever or even pneumonia - also known as Legionnaires' disease. (Copyright: nikkytok/Shutterstock).

Legionella calculator: Determine the obligation to test in three simple steps 

It is true that the German Drinking Water Ordinance stipulates a mandatory legionella test every three years for certain buildings. These include properties consisting of three or more apartments, in which at least one apartment is rented out and that have a central drinking water heating system. In the past, it was often a complex matter for landlords to find out whether their building was subject to mandatory testing, but today, thanks to new digital services such as Techem’s legionella calculator, they can determine whether their property is subject to mandatory testing directly online and in three simple steps. 

In order to guarantee the high quality of testing, the testing itself may only be carried out by accredited service providers. Here too, companies such as Techem, that offer all services from recording the building, determining the sampling point, taking and analyzing the sample to transmitting the laboratory findings and providing final advice in the event of a possible infestation from a single source, provide real added value for landlords and tenants. With digital products and services in the area of healthy living, such as the legionella calculator or legionella testing, Techem not only makes a key contribution to efficient building operation, but also helps to maintain and increase the value of properties. In line with the company’s mission of green, smart and healthy buildings, Techem also has the protection of tenants firmly in its sights.

About the survey

This survey was conducted online in April 2024. A quantitative survey was conducted among 374 private landlords regarding their awareness of the legionella testing obligation.  The population of private landlords was defined according to specific criteria.

About Techem 

Techem is a leading service provider for smart and sustainable buildings. The company's services cover energy management and resource conservation, residential health and process efficiency in real estate. Founded in 1952, the company is now active in 18 countries with around 4,300 employees and services more than 13 million homes. Techem offers efficiency improvements along the entire value chain of heat and water in real estate. As the market leader in remote radio detection of energy consumption in homes, Techem continues to drive networking and digital processes in real estate. Modern radio smoke detectors with remote inspection and services related to improving drinking water quality in properties complement the solution portfolio for the housing industry. For more information, visit


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