Press Releases - 15.06.2023

Making digital building data more accessible: Appeal from Techem CEO Matthias Hartmann on Digital Day

  • Digitalization offensive in the building sector a basic prerequisite for a successful energy transition 
  • Break down silos and improve data quality in real estate
  • Bundling of data across divisions for greater savings effects

Eschborn, June 15, 2023 – Day after day, data is generated, measured, stored and processed in our buildings. However, this often takes place without any linkage from which important conclusions can be drawn for higher process and energy efficiency as well as climate protection. Politicians have already set an important and correct course this year with the Act to Restart the Digitalization of the Energy Transition (GNDEW). On the occasion of this year’s Digital Day on June 16, Techem CEO Matthias Hartmann is now calling for the pace of digitalization in the real estate sector to be picked up further, for data quality to be improved, for digital consumption data in buildings to be made more accessible, and for its use to be continuously optimized.  

Pooling data and increasing efficiency 
“A CO₂-neutral building stock requires taking a holistic view of the data available. This is the only way to exploit the full optimization potential,” says Matthias Hartmann. Measurable advantages result, for example, from the combination of smart metering and classic submetering: data on electricity, gas, heat and water consumption can be bundled in this way and thus form the basis for greater consumption transparency and more energy efficiency in the building. 

Nevertheless, despite anonymization, much of the data already available currently remains unused due to a lack of cross-sector solutions. “The real estate industry therefore not only needs common standards to further improve data quality. It also needs to break down existing silos within the industry, make digital building data more accessible in the sense of an open data economy and in line with the GDPR, and use it to derive targeted measures for greater energy efficiency and climate protection,” says Hartmann.

This is clearly illustrated by the example of heating systems: although their autonomous control is already possible today, the consumption data that is made available is not allowed to be processed further in an automated manner. The resulting lack of knowledge about energy consumption prevents the systems from being optimally adjusted, resulting in unnecessary CO₂ emissions and cost effects.

Discovering, understanding and shaping digital potential  
Low-investment digital solutions such as regular heating monitoring and optimized operational management are prerequisites for efficient, highly automated building operation. The latest Techem consumption study shows that these measures can increase efficiency by around 15 percent. “Without openness to technology and digitalization, the heat turnaround cannot succeed. It is therefore important for all parties to exploit their existing potential and actively shape solutions,” explains Hartmann.

Digital Day was launched in 2019 by the “Digital for All” initiative to enable everyone to participate in digitalization and its development. With educational formats such as seminars, workshops and open doors, Digital Day seeks to introduce people to digitalization trends and show them new opportunities. This year, digital skills are the focus of “Digitization: Discover. Understand. Design.”  

Information and backgrounds on the “Digital for All” initiative as well as on Digital Day 2023, the actions and opportunities for participation can be found at


About Techem 

Techem is a leading service provider for smart and sustainable buildings. The company's services cover energy management and resource conservation, residential health and process efficiency in real estate. Founded in 1952, the company is now active in 18 countries with around 4,300 employees and services more than 13 million homes. Techem offers efficiency improvements along the entire value chain of heat and water in real estate. As the market leader in remote radio detection of energy consumption in homes, Techem continues to drive networking and digital processes in real estate. Modern radio smoke detectors with remote inspection and services related to improving drinking water quality in properties complement the solution portfolio for the housing industry. For more information, visit


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