Realizam mai mult împreună - parteneriatele noastre

Pentru a atinge obiective provocatoare, cum ar fi utilizarea responsabilă a resurselor și satisfacția maximă a clienților, aveți nevoie de concepte bune și parteneri la fel de buni: La Techem, suntem bucuroși să avem ambele. Cunoașteți partenerii noștri aici.

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heiz- und Wasserkostenverteilung e.V. (Working Group for Heating and Water Cost Allocation). (ARGE HeiWaKo) has represented the interests of metering and service companies for consumption-based billing of heating, hot and cold water costs in Germany for over 40 years. As a member of the association, we work with ARGE to support political decision-makers in achieving the common goal of an efficient energy transition and successful climate policy. 

The BDI Initiative is a cross-sector and cross-trade association of associations, companies and research institutions. As an association member of the BDI Initiative, we want to contribute to Germany’s position as a pioneer in the field of climate protection and make it clear that Germany is the world market leader in climate-protecting technologies. The BDI Initiative currently has around 30 members representing all elements of the building sector – the building shell, technology and operation.

The EVVE (European Association for Consumption-Based Energy Billing) is an independent and Europe-wide interest group that works at the political level. As member companies, the EVVE supports the promotion of energy and water saving systems for buildings. 

Bitkom is Germany’s digital association. As a member of the association, we are strongly committed to the digitization of business, society and government.

The DENEFF is an initiative of now more than 180 companies with outstanding products and services in the field of energy efficiency. Together with the DENEFF, we have stepped up as the “strong voice of energy efficiency” to be an advocate for an ambitious and effective energy efficiency policy as the first independent, cross-industry network of pioneering companies and organizations.

Contracting makes an important contribution to achieving climate targets and can open up even greater potential in an efficient and sustainable manner that is open to new technologies. vedec is the interface between politics and the contracting industry. To this end, the association maintains a lively exchange with political players at all levels and, through this communication, improves the framework conditions for contracting as a business model overall.

The “BaltBest” research project investigates the influence of operational management on the efficiency of heating systems in existing buildings with the aim of increasing the energy efficiency of the systems. Techem has joined forces with 14 project partners from the housing sector, industry and science for this purpose. The project is the largest ongoing research project of its kind in Germany and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy with 1.1 million euros.

Future Living® Berlin is a demonstration building project for intelligent buildings, smart homes and connected life. The project’s concept seeks to provide answers to challenges such as demographic change, energy transition and changing mobility behavior. Techem is a partner in the project. This is because we are also interested in not only offering metering services in the future, but also taking on maintenance tasks for smart homes, for example. The collaboration with Future Living® Berlin also helps us to demonstrate what an efficient energy supply of the future might look like, however.

ForeSight is a platform for context-sensitive, intelligent and predictive smart living services. In a network with partners from the housing industry, technology providers for buildings, associations and science, the ForeSight consortium, which also includes Techem, has set itself the goal of making artificial intelligence a key driver for intelligent and predictive smart living applications.

The blackprint Booster was launched in 2016 as an accelerator for the promotion of startups in the real estate industry. To this end, the blackprint Booster promotes PropTechs and connects them with the established real estate industry. The goal of our partnership is to jointly advance the digitization of the real estate industry and to further develop and optimize the innovative and scalable business models of the founders.

In the BMWi lighthouse project, Techem will be working over the next 2 years to make the 5G mobile standard usable for applications in energy technology – with special reference to building technology. In the process, we are cooperating with RWTH Aachen and the TU Dresden as well as selected industrial partners, including Deutsche Telekom AG and E.ON SE. This is a technological development from which Techem can also draw advantages. In the medium term, we will be able to replace today’s transmission and communication paths with a modern wireless and open communication platform and combine them into a single system. 

Together with Vodafone, Techem has been testing since the beginning of 2017 the extent to which narrowband IoT enables new approaches to secure and digital consumption data collection for energy management. Initially launched as a pilot project, the technology is expected to offer additional benefits for controlling energy flows in the future and thus improve energy efficiency in real estate.

Consulting, software, services – Aareon AG is one of Europe’s leading consulting and systems houses for the property sector. The core of the cooperation is the expansion of the product portfolio for both companies.

The EBZ promotes education and training in the housing and real estate industry and organizes energy conferences, among other initiatives. The cooperation between the EBZ and Techem generates added value for customers.

SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS is part of the SGS Group, the world’s leading company for inspection, testing, verification and certification. It sets globally recognized standards for quality and integrity. Together with our partner SGS Institut Fresenius, we relieve you of all tasks related to legionella testing.